Thursday, 28 June 2007


Okay, I' ll admit it. Times like these are when I want to be back working in national news. Even in Westminster. What I really miss are the stories behind the stories. The gutsy goss that never sees the broadcasting light of day. Sadly, after so much time dealing with this material, the body and mind go into overdrive and I can't sleep, and walk around like a loony, desperate to start broadcasting. Is there something wrong with me? Will the doc be able to prescribe something to ease the adrenalin out of the system and return me to normal? (While we're on the subject when did adrenaliN become adrenaliNE?) It'll soon be over. Or will it? I have a feeling we're going to get an awful lot more political news as the economy starts to turn from boom to bust. On the bright side, you wanna hear about my new play.

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