Wednesday, 20 June 2007


I was driving back home listening to Radio 2 and the Chris Evans Show and heard Fenella Fudge read a news story about SIR-VYE-EE-KAL Cancer. Very impressed that the proper use of the word was on the BBC. Wondered, idly, how they would all laugh had I been reading the news -- I have the best male news reading radio voice in Britain -- and used the wrong pronunciation. How they would have laughed, I thought. A few hours later I am flipping through the tv channels on Freeview and hear Ben Brown on BBC News 24 refer to SIR-VICK-AL Cancer. Oh please, this is surely a simple one to get right. It sounds like a load of bollocks until you understand that if the pronunciation is clearly wrong then so might the facts be. GEDDIT? And how many times did that go out? O NO Fiona Bruce on the Beeb TV Ten Headlines said the same as Brown. I guess someone high up said this was the correct pronunciation. But why have one version for radio and another for television.

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