Friday, 25 May 2007

Still Piddling About

Watched HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU this evening with Nick Robinson. Well done Nick for not hiding the baldness and for wearing the specs. I trained Nick while working as a film director at Newsround. He also got us banned from using those new fangled devices - mobile phones. I'd swiped them from Main News and Nick walked through the newsroom, ear and mouth glued to the bloody thing, straight in front of Chris Cramer, my former boss and head of Home News. Sadly, the man was too sharp, knew exactly how this Newsround trainee had got a BBC phone and had Newsround banned from filching them ever again. By the way, what the hell happened to these mobile telephones? Did they ever take off and get used by the general public? Did they become smaller? If you see one of the original ones produced by Vodafone you'll recall they looked like an old-fashioned gents urinal.

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